Common Travel Vaccinations You Need Before You Travel Abroad

Common Travel Vaccinations You Need Before You Travel Abroad

Vaccines protect travellers from serious diseases. Depending on where you travel, you may come into contact with diseases such as yellow fever, malaria, and typhoid that are rare in first-world countries like Europe and…

Vaccines protect travellers from serious diseases. Depending on where you travel, you may come into contact with diseases such as yellow fever, malaria, and typhoid that are rare in first-world countries like Europe and America.  

Getting vaccinated will help keep you safe and healthy while you’re travelling. It will also help make sure that you don’t bring any serious diseases home to your family, friends, and community. 

If you’re venturing beyond the UK, be sure to include a visit to our Miles Pharmacy Travel Clinic in Epsom. Get your travel vaccinations to travel abroad safely by being protected from serious diseases, especially if you are visiting high-risk countries.  

  High-risk countries include: 

  • Central America – Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama   
  • South America – Peru, Brazil, Ecuador   
  • Africa – Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya   
  • West Asia – Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey    
  • East Asia – India, Thailand, China  

  Our Miles Pharmacy travel clinics offer free consultations, to help you decide what you need. On this page, you’ll find answers to common questions about vaccines for travellers. 

  Common Travel Vaccinations You Need Before You Travel Abroad 

It is recommended that you visit your health care or a travel clinic provider four to six weeks before travelling to high-risk countries to ensure that you are up to date with the following routine vaccines for travellers. 

  • Flu 
  • MMR – measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles) 
  • Polio 

 Yellow Fever Vaccination 

  Yellow Fever is a tropical virus disease affecting the liver and kidneys, causing fever and jaundice, and is often fatal. It is transmitted by mosquitoes.  You must have the vaccination at a travel clinic at least 10 days before you plan on entering a yellow fever area. Once you’ve had the shot, the travel clinic will issue you with an International Certificate of Vaccination which some countries require prior to entering. 

  Malaria prevention 

There are many high-risk countries when it comes to contracting Malaria, so it’s important to protect yourself by taking anti-malarial drugs as well as taking other measures to prevent being bitten by a mosquito. Currently, there is no vaccine for malaria.  

The COVID-19 Vaccine  

With travel restrictions and COVID-19 protocols easing by the minute, PCR testing prior to departure or on arrival is becoming less mandatory. Prior to travelling, ensure that you are acquainted with the COVID-19 protocols of the airline you are travelling with. 

To meet with a travel healthcare specialist prior to your trip, contact Miles Pharmacy to get your travel vaccinations at the Epsom travel clinic location.

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